Love More, Live Wilder

Awesome Foster Foursome

Awesome Foster Foursome

Helping animals has always been a primary passion of mine and I have been so fortunate that my company has been able to help on a broader scale through donations to the The Humane Society of West Alabama
Recently we took on sponsoring 4 foster puppies from the same litter that needed homes. All four of these sweet babies have now been placed with amazing families! My last one "Forrest" was adopted this weekend. 
I wanted to share these adorable photos as a tribute to my little fosters.




*Please help spread the word about the importance of spaying and neutering pets!  Approximately 7.6 million companion animals enter animal shelters nationwide every year and an estimated 2.7 million dogs and cats are euthanized in shelters every year. Only 10% of pets brought to the shelter have been spayed or neutered. 

Sipsey Soul

Sipsey Soul

The name Sipsey Wilder is inspired by the wild and diverse wonder that is the Sipsey River or "Sipsey River Swamp" located in west Alabama. This fascinating river is one of the last free flowing swamp streams in the state and is considered one of Alabama's Ten Natural Wonders. 

I was first taken to this incredible place by an ecologist friend who works there studying the river's rich diversity of mussel species. The variety and prosperity of the mussels here show the health of the river. Mussels are the shelled filter-feeding creatures on the riverbed that clean the water. The Sipsey River is home to as many as 37 mussel species (several of which are imperiled) and is one of the most intact mussel communities left in the United States. It is also sanctuary to as many as 102 freshwater species fish including several that are close to threatened status. 

I have felt honored to visit this wild, sacred place several times and be so inspired in my creative work and in my soul. My dogs love it there too!


West Obsessed

West Obsessed

I recently got back from a 10 day road trip across America that covered ground from Alabama to the Northern coast of California. While traveling across the sprawling and diverse landscapes I found inspiration for two upcoming Sipsey Wilder patterns.
Here are a few photo highlights from the trip:

Bison at Antelope Island in Utah Bison at Antelope Island in Utah 

Lake Walcott State Park in Idaho 

Lake Walcott State Park in Idaho 

Camping in the high desert in Oregon

Camping in the high desert in Oregon

Camping in the high desert in Oregon

Obsidian flow at the Newberry Volcano National Monument in Oregon

Elk in Redwood National and State Parks

 Jedidiah Smith Redwoods State Park in California

Jedidiah Smith Redwoods State Park in California

Fern Canyon 

Crater Lake National Park

Desert Born

Desert Born

Shooting stars, rock canyons, winds that sail through you, prickly plants that grab on for the ride...

Drawing of our campsite at Joshua Tree National Park

I went backpacking in Joshua Tree National Park in the winter of 2018. It was not only my first backpacking trip, but my first winter camping trip. It is quite cold at night in the desert! I spent 3 sleepless nights and found an awakening.

I left the desert thirsting to step into the current of my creative force, to give myself over with dedication to a project that spoke from my soul and see where it took me. My work as a website administrator and freelance photographer was not enough for me anymore. Shortly after this trip Sipsey Wilder was conceptualized and the journey of creating nature inspired minimalist products out of vegan or repurposed materials began. We are now just days away from bringing you our first products!

"Desert Soul Shifters" Mixed Media

Desert inspired print

The Neon Desert print will be available in our 4-in-1 bag and the Skipper clip wallet.

The Ichauway Way

The Ichauway Way

I recently was lucky enough to spend a week at the Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center with a biologist friend. This research plantation, also known as Ichauway, is located in south Georgia where it protects over 30,000 acres of the longleaf pine and wire grass eco-system which is one of the most endangered systems in the world.  

 Ichauway is a magical place. Visiting here is like traveling back in time before our native lands were developed, back when the wildlife ran the show, and the mighty rivers flowed untouched. 

During my stay when I wasn't walking miles in the stifling heat, taking pictures, piddling my mandolin on the porch or floating the Flint River I was drawing. Very few places have inspired me so much and 3 of the designs from Sipsey Wilder's new line of versatile 4-in-1 hip bags were created on this week long trip.


Spanish Moss draping off of the live oak trees.

A gopher tortoise making his way through the wiregrass.

Cypress trees on the Flint River.

 An Eastern Kingsnake crosses the road.

A breathtaking Ichauway sunset. 

 A beam of morning sunlight near the Ichauway-Nochaway Creek.

My dog Chloe.

Prints inspired by Ichauway. The top three patterns will be seen in the first line of Sipsey Wilder bags and wallets. The bottom three you might see next time!