More Than An Egg
People often inquiry if raising chickens are really worth the trouble just for an egg. A resounding yes! Watching a baby chick grow into an adult hen is a journey. Reaching milestones along the way. Trying out those developing wings. Learning to forage for extra food. Recognizing familiar faces and voices. Comfortability, a sense of security develop just as the chicks are developing. Trust abounds.
Then something special happens. The chickens recognize your face. Your voice. Each visit is received with so much joy upon seeing you. The first glimpse brings the entire flock to the gate to greet you with chatter and joy. Following your every step within the run just to be near you. Hoping you will reach down and caress their back to reinforce how much you care for them.
Acceptance by the flock whether you are dressed up or dressed down. No judgement. Closely held secrets shared with them and never a peep of the conversation to others. Following you to the gate upon departure. Chattering trying to delay your exit but also with anticipation your return will be soon. So it is more than an egg, it is a journey of friendship.
Written by Gwen Malone, a retired nurse practitioner who raises Barred Rock and Dominique chickens in Coker, Alabama.
My aunt Gwen recently let me come visit her and her chickens for a photoshoot with some of our new "Hen Party" products. It was such an amazing experience meeting these lovely hens and seeing Gwen interact with them that I asked her to write up something about her experience raising chickens which is above. Thank you Gwen! Here are a couple of my favorite product shots with her hens! They were such fabulous models!